Women In Nude Recreation


When I talk about WINR to members of AANR, I find many don’t know what it is. “Is that a new thing?”, they ask. No, it's been around a good long time,” I believe it started with Sally DePree in 1997 when she began a women’s outreach program which later became known as WINR. DePree wrote a book titled Women In Nude Recreation: The WINR Circle. She compiled stories about how becoming a nudist has benefited women all over the country.
DePree talked about hosting a WINR luncheon at Lake Como in the fall of 2004 and held a workshop titled, “Why Didn’t I Try This Sooner?” Doesn’t that sound familiar? As I read through this insightful book, one of the themes that stood out was expressed by Nancy, “...little did I know that becoming a nudist would be the beginning of a new and wonderful life.” The acceptance and camaraderie found in the nudist community, particularly so within the circle of women, is found throughout the pages. The women of the WINR groups held luncheons, workshops, played games together, among many other activities. Being together was key.
Today there are several WINR groups spread across the country. They enjoy activities, just like the women before us, of gathering together to socialize, host workshops, simply walk together, or share a meal all in the name of encouraging and building each other up. For example, the women of Mountain Air Ranch, near Colorado, host a Women’s Empower Hour monthly. In February they hosted the Upstairs Circus event to, “Unleash your creativity and connect with friends … where crafting, cocktails, and camaraderie come together for a unique Ladies Empower Hour experience.” How cool is that! See what other clubs have a WINR group. New groups are organizing even now and the list will continue to grow.
Sally DePree was a strong woman and dedicated to helping other women find the same joy she did through nudism. Feeling so passionate about what WINR does for women, DePree said, “I never want the music to stop.” The music continues Sally and thank you for being one of its original composers.
This is in no way a comprehensive history of Women In Nude Recreation or WINR. It is a work in progress. As more information comes in, it will be added. If you have some information to add, please email the WINR chair @ andee.rodgers@aanr.com.​​