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WOW 2024

The Women One Word campaign was started to encourage women to accept and love themselves. The WOW women shared their word(s) about what nudism has done for them: Freedom, Unstoppable, Empowered, ImPerfect, and Confident, just to name of few. Accepting ourselves can be difficult.


​It takes time and can’t be done all at once. It's done in waves. One great tool to strengthen your confidence is to choose your own word. Put it someplace that you see daily. Tell other women what you see in them, send them a card, or simply text them. Connect with other women in the nudist community. Create a WINR group and spent time together.


My aim is to capture the real world, one not enhanced with cloth. It is an inclination and action based on natural instincts and desires.



It's an art of lifestyle for me - Vitamin D absorbing through my skin, acceptance of my body, healthy food, free movement in nature and being with like-minded, supportive people.

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Naturism is returning to the garden, naked and unashamed, with a transformed heart and a renewed spirit.

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It's impossible to stop what nudism has defined for me.  It's the confidence that I embrace to reaffirm that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.


I feel beautiful to myself and no one else!


I love myself!

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Honest / Tenacious

I’m a second generation nudist. I have always felt more comfortable nude than in clothes. As a young girl/woman I was told I was brutally honest and stubborn. It was usually said as a negative. I turned those words into a positive; tenacious and honest. 


I am equally both. I’ve survived sexual, physical and emotional abuse, anorexia, traumatic paraplegia, body dysmorphia and fibromyalgia. I don’t give up and I don’t stop trying for what I want or what I want to do. 


My dad always said to me and my sister, “You can do anything you put your mind to.” I have a strong will. I don’t give up easily and I’m honest with myself and others. I have always said, “Asking the question consents to the answer.” My thought is that the person asking me a question wants a truthful answer. 


I value honesty and tenacity in others. Some of my deepest friendships are with my nudist friends. We love and accept each other with a level of vulnerability that is precious to me. 

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"Nudism has strengthened my commitment to advocating for and educating others about wholesome nudism. It also provided me the courage of my convictions to successfully campaign for and secure the Presidency of AANR."

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Karen was also an art model on the WINR ImPerfect tour. Words of encouragement other women chose for her are: Dynamic, Happy, Strength, Knowledge, Amazing, Freedom, Confidence, Being A Friend, Believe, Beautiful, Embrace, Smile!, Self-Love, Divine Light, Power, Green Thumb, Intelligent, Friends, Independant, Love, Joyful, Blessed, Grateful, Self-Reliant, Adventurous, Abundance, Strong, Brave, Embrace. WOW! That’s a positive, powerful use of words. Karen chose the word AUTHENTIC for herself.

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Nikki was an art model on the recent WINR ImPerfect tour. Women attending the event wrote words of encouragement on her body to express what they saw: goddess, queen, courageous, blessed, nice, free, and confident. Sometimes it's hard to see in ourselves what others clearly see. Nikki is indeed a courageous woman. 


ImPerfect Tour | WINR (

Art Gallery
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Helen is from the UK-To read more about British Naturism visit





Being with other nudists in the community brings joy into my life. 




Growing Old

Growing Old
Having people ask your advice, but frustration when they don't listen and you know things are going to go badly.
Grandma joy, but also Grandma worry and sorrow when your kids are hurting.
Having the means and the time to travel, but having a body that makes it harder than you thought possible.
Realizing that there are things that you loved to do that you will never be able to do again and
realizing that there are things that you hated doing that you will never be expected to do again.
Learning how to ask for help.
Coming to the realization that the only thing worse than growing older is not growing older. 

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Adventurous means not allowing fear to stop me from stepping out of my comfort zone, trying new things and visiting new places. My life continues to be enriched through the adventure of Nudism which has brought me wonderful friendships and nourishes my inner well-being and self-acceptance. It is where I feel most comfortable and embrace life and the people I meet.
I have explored different countries and cultures and met new people from around the world that I would not know without visiting naturist/nudist places in Canada, Portugal, New Zealand, Australia, and the USA. In February I cruised Antarctica and woke up every morning in awe of the beauty around me.
My picture is from my balcony on the ship gazing out at the icebergs each morning. I went down 300 feet in a submersible and kayaked amongst the brash ice south of the Southern Antarctic Circle, something I had never done before and wasn’t sure I could.
Instead of accepting limits, I dream of what might be and keep my eyes open to opportunities. I walked close to seals and penguins and fell in love with the wildlife including humpback whales. Living adventurously doesn’t have to be big things but is truly a state of mind about expanding our horizons and enjoying little things that help one live a more fulfilling life, like enjoying a sunset and the natural beauty around us. When you push your own limits, it is amazing what we are capable of doing or experiencing in the course of an ordinary day. 



Linda & Andee



Linda & Andee - Camaraderie

In the nudist community it's so refreshing to be able to meet someone for the first time and strike up an immediate friendship. All limitations that usually exist in the textile world are gone. Literally. And conversations center around the person you have with you. We find connections that are more meaningful. Chats veer off the beaten track of the mundane and into the fascinating realm of what truly matters.

In this naked community, you're not just sharing a space; you're sharing an understanding that we're all just humans with bodies that come in different shapes and sizes. It's this mutual acceptance and the bold step of embracing vulnerability that knit the nudist community tightly together, creating a unique tapestry of friendships that are as bare and beautiful as the bodies within it.

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"Over the years I have found that naturism/nudism has been part of what has helped me find Balance. Balance can mean so much: the balance between giving and taking, work, rest and play, healthy living and spoiling indulgences, finding peace despite pain, finding trust despite hurt. Finding the reality between nature and nurture on the path we have travelled.
This year on the website we have chosen the campaign Get Real. Social nudity is about being real with ourselves and others. By removing our coverings, disguises and costumes we can more easily comprehend the nature of the individuals we are and the people around us; leading to real balance in acceptance of not just yourself, but your place in the world and where you want to be.
Balance can give us the power to end the damage that has previously created rot in our family trees. Put an end to several generations of mistakes and grow a new tree with the strong roots of love, respect and support. My Balance is found in knowing that my world is on track, my life makes sense and that the honest, cherishing and truly nurturing relationships I have with my own family are based on mutual care, trust and giving.
Naturism has helped me find my Natural Balance. The knowledge that I will not fall and I will not let my family fall is balanced with a knowledge that they will always be there to stop me from falling too."

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We each wake up with a choice to overcome our adversities or have our adversities overcome us. I am a SURVIVOR! I choose each day to live my life to the fullest and be a light to those around me to show them it is possible to love and accept yourself for who you are regardless of what you have been through. Each body tells a story and mine is one of strength, endurance, resilience but most of all I am a SURVIVOR against all odds.​

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Love the Skin You're In

Love The Skin You're In! ladies because there's truly no better place to be! I have fought many battles in my life that led me to hate my body, but I am no longer a victim, I am a survivor!


I have survived through many traumas and I live with mental illness. I have survived emotional, sexual and physical abuse. I have survived the loss of a child and I have survived through addiction and suicide attempts.


Life has not always been easy, but life has definitely given me good things. Along my dark path life finally gave me light with an amazing husband, 6 beautiful children and 3 wonderful grandchildren.


10 years ago my husband introduced me to nudism and it changed my life almost instantly. I can now look at my body and my literal battle scars from my life's journey and realize that I am not a victim, I am a survivor and I Love The Skin I'm In! By embracing nudism I hope you too can Love The Skin You're In!


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Friends & Sisters


At this point in my life, I am blessed with many incredible friendships of women who have also become my sisters. We encourage each other, build each other up, and are there for one another through adversity and joy. 


We share stories of life: adventures, struggles, victories, and what the true meaning of beauty is. Real conversations that foster friendships with depth and purpose creating friendships above and beyond anything I ever thought possible.


These women are the ones who keep me grounded, offer sound advice when I need it, and kick me in the butt when that is needed as well.  Had I never joined the nudist community, I would have missed out on the most meaningful relationships of my life.


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“and i said to my body. softly. ‘i want to be your friend.’ it took a long breath. and replied ‘i have been waiting my whole life for this.”― Nayyirah Waheed

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